Be Infinite

Based in Mississauga, Ontario, the BITTS International Career College is active in so many educational ventures to help today’s student. Originally a Ministry of Colleges and Universities Ontario career college, BITTS International Career College started out offering diploma, certificate, and short courses to students that needed a fast qualification for the modern job market.

With remote and in-class learning options, a roster of programs in health, business, technology, and hospitality, as well as a great staff and technological support services, BITTS International Career College has something to offer anyone needing the right education to help actualize their dreams.


We are on a mission to change the future of our students. Education transforms lives. Studying with BITTS International Career College gives them more than a diploma and makes the transition easy for learners.

Our Philosophy

Every person is born with an Infinite potential to succeed. We help you achieve that potential.

Our Principle

Education should be nurturing, affordable and accommodating.

Key Of Success

Every individual has a different set of circumstances which requires the teacher to adapt and enhance their knowledge.


We believe that every person born on earth is born with an infinite potential, and we at BITTS International Career College will help you achieve it.

What does BITTS mean?

The original infinity symbol occurs in our world in a few places. One of them is at the side of a dock. If you go to the end of a lake or sea and come to a dock and see a ship standing, you should check the process to hold it. There are ropes or a single rope that are tied to one or two metal pegs. It keeps the craft in place. The way the rope is tied to the two pegs looks like an infinity symbol; these two pegs are called BITTS. It was our inspiration for the name. The words “BITTS” symbolize our motto and vision. The possessors are carefree once the boat is tied to a pair of BITTS.

Why BITTS International Career College?

BITTS International Career College visions to provide quality education leading to great success in career path opted by the students. The college is offering various programs. The curriculums are designed by industry experts after analyzing job market trends. BITTS International Career College has different learning platforms like on-campus and online, which gives the students flexibility for learning as per their schedule. Diversity in the ethnicity of the students at BITTS International Career College gives all the students great exposure while studying.

How to Join?

Starting your journey to career success is as simple as 1-2-3. Our admission department has a team of well-learned and trained professionals who can guide you well for the best pathways for your career. There is a wide range of programs, preparatory classes & certifications available at the college. Learning can be done in-class (instructor-led) , virtual class (instructor-led) and on-line (self-paced). For more information, contact our admission advisors today. Both campuses, Brampton and Mississauga, can accept international students.

Our journey till now

Expansion of Campuses

BITTS International Career College is expanding with new campus in Brampton, Canada.

BITTS International Career College is expanding its operations further by adding a new campus in Brampton, Canada. Furthermore, we are adding new courses and locations to make its presence felt in every part of Canada.


Awarded Designated Learning Institute (DLI)

Expansion to include International Students

After successfully teaching Canadian students, BITTS International Career College decided to expand its reach and opened doors for international students who wish to study in Canada. From now on, international students could take advantage of getting knowledge at one of Canada’s exceptional institutions.


New Ownership

Change of Management Team to expand the operations

With the institution’s enlargement after a decade of its foundation, the management team was expanded for various operations within the college. New programs and new administration sections were introduced for the smooth continuance of the organization.


BITTS International Career College was established

BITTS International Career College was started as Brampton Technical Institute

BITTS International Career College started its journey as Brampton Technical Institute, with 400 students enrolled in 11 different technical programs.