Attendance Policy

BITTS International Career College established standards of scholastic progress to foster student success, viewing these standards as valid indicators of successful progress toward graduation. Given the condensed learning format, every moment of class time is crucial and is therefore scheduled. In alignment with the commitment to student success, this policy outlines the expectations for attendance.

Attendance policy applies to all students, employees, volunteers, and contractors. However, the BITTS International Career College encourages all students to attend scheduled learning activities to support their progression toward graduation.

  • Encouraging Attendance: In compliance with regulating bodies, the BITTS International Career College encourages regular attendance as integral to program completion.
  • Responsibility for Missed Classes: Students Scheduled for classes must attend each scheduled class and are responsible for fulfilling course requirements missed during absences.
  • Notification of Absence: Students must notify the College of absences.
  • Attendance Monitoring: The Campus Administrative Assistant will run daily attendance reports for all classes.
  • Contacting Absent Students: The College will attempt to contact students to assess reasons for absences.
  • Absence Engagement Protocol: The College will establish an escalating engagement protocol based on days absent.
  • Medical Documentation: Students with medical documentation must return by the 15th day of absence or be withdrawn.
  • Refunds: If a refund is required, the College has 30 days to submit it to the funding body.
  • Academic Probation: Students missing five consecutive days may be placed on Academic Probation and must develop a Student Success Plan upon return.
  • Further Absences During Probation: Students on Academic Probation missing another five consecutive days may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Campus Director/Remote Education Director.
  • Course Repetition: Students missing more than 40% of a course must repeat it.
  • Expulsion: Repeated failures to attend or maintain academic progression may result in expulsion.
  • Documentation for Absences: Students missing five or ten consecutive days must provide valid documentation. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal and potential expulsion.
  • Documentation: Valid documents must be entered into the student file.
  • Re-starting Program: Students absent for valid reasons beyond their control may apply to re-start their program.
  • Course Miss and Marks: Students with valid documentation missing a course will receive a mark of “0” unless they miss 40% (ON/NB) or 10% (NS) of their program or receive four failures.
  • Valid reasons: Illness, family emergency, child-care issues, care of elderly or infirm relatives, family breakdown, and homelessness.
  • Invalid reasons: Holiday booked, wedding planned, booked surgery, or pregnancy.
  • Orientation and Onboarding: Attendance rules and regulations will be explained during student orientation.
  • Internship Attendance: Students must attend all scheduled internship hours.
  • Termination for Absences: Missing internship time may result in termination.
  • Internship Timesheets: Timesheets must be submitted from Every Monday at noon.

If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact at 905-790-3940.