KPI Information

Registered under the Career Colleges Act, 2005, BITTS International Career College complies with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ (MCU) standards and understands the requirements of specific student outcomes to be reported. This includes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and they are collected by a third-party organization Forum Research.

Please note the following KPI's collected from BITTS International Career College and published by Forum:

Graduation Rate: an institution’s record of enrolled students that successfully graduated from their study programs, expressed as a percentage.

Graduate Employment Rate: graduates of an institution that sought employment and became employed within six (6) months following their graduation or as otherwise determined, again expressed as a percentage. Forum Research calculates BITTS International Career College's Graduate Employment Rate by contacting graduates’ employment status six months following graduation.

Graduate Employment Rate in the Field of Study: a percentage of an institution’s graduates who sought employment and became employed specifically within their field of study six (6) months following their graduation from BITTS International Career College.

Graduate Satisfaction Rate: a survey done by Forum Research taken of graduates who have successfully completed their program of study.

Employer Satisfaction Rate: survey done by Forum Research of the employers who have hired graduates and the employer’s satisfaction with those new hires and their performance.

Student Loan Default Rate [or OSAP Default Rate]: a calculated percentage of number of loan recipients in default compared to a percentage of the number of total loan recipients.

In some KPI information, one might notice the abbreviations SS and NS. “SS” means “Small Sample”, indicating a sample size is less than five students and are included in the cumulative program category of institution results. “ND”, or “No Data”, indicates that there were no enrolled students or graduates that have met the necessary criteria to be included in that calculation.

KPI (Graduation rate for 2023) Download