Meet Our Teachers

Teachers play an important role in preparing prospective students for college and also for ensuring they have the resources at their fingertips to make a good decision about their future studies.

At BITTS International Career College, we create a strong relationship between students and their teachers/counsellors to better student success when they arrive at college and while completing their programs. Here are some profiles of our experienced instructors and their own professional journeys:

Dr. Matwinder Phull
Ayurveda Teacher

Matwinder Phull is an ayurvedic expert with over 35 years' experience working at various healthcare centers across the globe. A native of India, he earned a bachelor’s degree in ayurveda medicine and surgery (BAMS) and post graduate degree in medical herbalism. He has also obtained certificates in “The Impact of Drug Development” from University of Texas and “Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases” from Harvard University. Along with his education in ayurveda-related studies, he has completed teachers' training in yoga studies.

James Burt
ESL Teacher

James was only twenty-one when he got a chance to teach middle school students in the People's Republic of China. It was a delight, and thereafter he completed his undergraduate studies, got a master's degree in education, and spent years working with language in numerous roles, including marketing, content creation, freelance writing, or teaching English-as-a-second-language.

Manveen Hunjan
Information Technology Teacher

Manveen Hunjan is an instructor of information technology at BITTS International Career College. She holds a master's degree in computer engineering from the University of Windsor and has been working as a dedicated academic since 2013. Manveen’s teaching experience includes instructing courses on MS Office, operating systems, and database-programming languages with business mathematics. Her teaching style and great rapport with students are the greatest assets she brings to BITTS International Career College.